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Navigation Helper#

The Navigation helper is a set of tools to figure out which page you are on.

Note that, if the documentation only covers the Twig Extension way (which covers the most common needs), you can also inject the Leapt\CoreBundle\Navigation\NavigationRegistry service into your service/controller to perform the same.

Active paths#

Allows checking if the specified path is the current one.

The Twig Extension provides 4 functions:

  • set_active_paths: set an array of active paths
  • get_active_paths: get the array of active paths
  • add_active_path: add one active path (as a string)
  • is_active_path: check if the provided path is the current one, returns a boolean. Note that this function will check if the specified path is either in the provided active paths, or the current request URI.


{% do add_active_path(path('app_news_index')) %}

    href="{{ path('app_news_index') }}"
    class="{{ is_active_path(path('app_news_index')) ? 'active' : '' }}"
    News list

Easily build breadcrumbs. 3 functions are provided:

  • append_breadcrumb: append one breadcrumb to the list, given a path and a label
  • prepend_breadcrumb: same as append_breadcrumb, but simply prepends it instead of appending it
  • get_breadcrumbs: get an array of previously set breadcrumbs


{% do append_breadcrumbs(path('app_news_index'), 'News list') %}
{% do prepend_breadcrumbs(path('app_default_index'), 'ACME Website') %}

{% for breadcrumb in get_breadcrumbs() %}
    {# Index 0 is the path, index 1 is the label #}
    <a href="{{ breadcrumb[0] }}">{{ breadcrumb[1] }}</a>
{% endfor %}